On June 12th Soaring City Innovation Partnership hosted Demo Day, the highly anticipated finale of its groundbreaking Business Accelerator program. Taking place at the Florida Blue BX2 auditorium in University Mall, known as Rithm, the event showcased the remarkable achievements of ten exceptional startup founders as they pitched their innovative companies to a distinguished audience of investors, industry experts, and community leaders.
The Business Accelerator program, made possible by a generous grant from the Florida Business Development Corporation and in partnership with Florida Blue, LT3 Idea & Innovation Factory and Embarc Collective, has played a pivotal role in nurturing entrepreneurship and driving economic growth in the Uptown district. Over a span of ten weeks, the program offered intensive guidance, mentorship, and resources to its cohort, including meetings twice a week and one-on-one sessions with esteemed mentors and program leaders. Key figures such as LT3 CEO, Chris Morancie, and Soaring City Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Brian Alvarez-Bailey, lent their expertise to the participants, ensuring their growth and success.
“One of Soaring City’s primary objectives is to find solutions to the generational poverty that affects many families in the Uptown district,” explained Mark Sharpe, Executive Director of Soaring City. “By fostering entrepreneurship in this community, we empower individuals to create value in something they own. This has a profound impact on the founders themselves and ripples through the community as their companies grow and generate employment opportunities.”
Demo Day featured each of the ten participating startup founders presenting their visions, accomplishments, and future plans. The event provided an exciting glimpse into a diverse range of industries, including technology, healthcare, sustainability, and more. Attendees witnessed these founders’ innovative ideas firsthand, as they pitched their companies in engaging 3-4 minute presentations.
The featured founders and their companies at Demo Day were:
- Adan Jackson – BIOS
- Mauro Costa – Bulkitrade
- Martika Jones – BŪP
- Rebecca Paone – Care Collective
- Damon Thrash – NarSave
- Murewa Olubela – Erudyte
- April Caldwell – fayVen
- Michael Freed – Maka Social
- Logan Higuera – OpenOcean
- Jean-Pierre McFarlen – Zapay
The event not only provided an opportunity for these founders to showcase their innovations, but served as a platform for potential investors to evaluate the viability of each company for future support. Investors in the room saw firsthand the tremendous potential and value these startups bring to the market.
Following the pitches, attendees continued the celebration at the LT3 Collaborative Lab, also located at University Mall. This post-event reception allowed for an invaluable networking opportunity, facilitating connections among investors, community leaders, and entrepreneurs. Such collaborations will further drive economic growth and prosperity within the Uptown district.
Soaring City Innovation Partnership is immensely grateful for the collaboration and support of the Florida Business Development Corporation, LT3 Idea & Innovation Factory, and Embarc Collective in making the Business Accelerator program and Demo Day a resounding success. By investing in the growth and success of these entrepreneurs, Soaring City aims to create a lasting impact, drive positive change, and foster economic prosperity in the Uptown district.